05/2011 |
5.02 |
- Data view and XY channels can now have a background bitmap image. This is mainly for use in XY views (for example, in tracking experiments). The images can be controlled interactively from the View menu Channel Image command or with the ChanImage() script command.
- The internals of the colour control system has been redesigned to use absolute colour values rather than palette indexes. Existing colour setups will be automatically converted to the new system, colour information saved in data file resources is still compatible with older copies of Signal.
- The colour selection system has been augmented with a variable-sized table for colour-cycling in overdrawn frames, an overrideable XY channel background colour and overrideable defaults for the primary and secondary XY channel colours. Extra colour table entries for the XY key, open-state idealised trace data and fitted convoluted traces have been added.
- New ColourSet(), ColourGet(), ChanColourSet(), ChanColourGet(), ViewColourSet() and ViewColourGet() script functions have been added to provide access to the new colour mechanisms. The existing Colour(), PaletteSet(), PaletteGet(), ViewColour(), ChanColour() and XYColour() script functions still work, but in a slightly limited manner and should be avoided if possible.
- Controls for horizontal Y axis labels have been added to the customise display dialog, the YAxisMode() script function has been extended to control this feature.
- Separate controls for X and Y grids have been added to the customise display dialog.
- MatLabOpen() and other associated script functions have been added to provide access to MatLab as a computational engine.
- The ZeroFind() script function has been added.
- The FitSigmoid() script function has been added.
- The FilePathSet() script function can now use a dialog prompt along with the option to allow creation of a folder.
- You can now copy or paste to or from a string variable using the EditCopy() and EditPaste() script functions.
- The LinPred() script function has been added.
- Dialog item functions (except for DlgGroup()) can now use a -ve left position for right-justification of the dialog item.
- The new DlgSlider() script command adds a horizontal or vertical slider control to a user-defined dialog.
- Added a global resource file system to allow all files to be handled similarly, plus the associated FileGlobalResource() script function.
- Added menu items that allow you to apply a given resource file to a view and to save a view's resources, plus the associated FileApplyResource() and FileSaveResource() script functions.
- The ViewLink() script function has been extended to allow you to find the processes associated with a given view.
- The ScriptRun() function has a new flag option that keeps loaded scripts in memory.
- When saving a large file to disk, a progress dialog which also allows cancellation of the operation is now provided.
- When using Auto-average or Leak subtraction processing to produce a memory view, a progress dialog which also allows cancellation of processing is now provided.
- When the user fails to save a newly sampled CFS data file or saving a CFS data file overwrites an existing data file, the deleted data file is now moved to the Windows recycle bin so that it can be recovered. Note that this can result in a rather full recycle bin, but we feel that preserving CFS data files against accidental loss is of paramount importance.
- Previously you could not undo changes to a view font, and not all changes made using the customise display dialog would undo.
- A different mouse pointer (an arrow leaning to the right) is now shown when the pointer is in those parts of text-style view margins where line selection is active.
- Recorded filter specifications have been corrected.
- Channel optimise from the right-click context menu now defers optimise to the sweep end if the preferences are set to do this.
- Setting the tick sub-divisions in the axis dialogs to 25 now correctly changes the display.
- Measurement generation to an XY view and MeasureToXY() now work in situations that don't need a successful cursor 0 iteration to get a valid value.
- If a script windows was active while a script ran and the user typed Ctrl+Break to cancel a long drawing operation, it was possible for ETX (character 3) to appear in the script window.
- In a user-defined dialog, the Cancel button was not activated by the Esc key.
- When debugging a script with an #include file, if you attempted to Run to the text caret in an included file, it ran to the text caret in the original file.
- If a user dialog had a button function or a change function and this function opened another dialog and then returned 0 (meaning close the original dialog as if OK was clicked and update any DlgShow() arguments), the original dialog would close, but the arguments were not updated.
- Illegal characters in a script (for example, i% != 1) were detected by the compiler, but the offending character (! in this case) was incorrectly identified.
- Issues with the scroll bar thumb still being present when the entire X axis range is shown and the X axis refusing to zoom when dragged with the mouse have been fixed.
- The IF and IFc virtual channel commands no longer incorrectly multiply their result by the data sampling rate.
- The use of newer Windows functionality has been adjusted to ensure that Signal version 5 will still run under Windows 98SE.
- The value returned by FilePath$(-3) has been corrected - previously it returned the Spike2 directory.
- The MagStim system logs error & information strings to help with debug.
- Much more work on the script recorder to allow channel variables to be recorded so that the recorded scripts do not (incorrectly) use constant channel numbers.
- Checks on 1401 driver and monitor versions tidied and checks on the FPGA version have been added.
- Colour information and initial application window position is saved in the registry.
- Using FrameFlag(), FrameState(), FrameTag() or FrameUserVar() to change a read only file or FrameSave() to save changed data to a read-only file will now halt a script with a run-time error.
- The Eval Bar message area will now word wrap.
- Signal conditioner dialogs limit themselves to sampled channels when used online.
- Extra checks for valid window positions have been added to avoid generating windows that are inaccessible because they are outside of the available screen area.
- Script-created dialogs now treat Esc as cancel button if no cancel button key set.
- The Colour(), ViewColour(), ChanColour() and XYColour() script functions still function with the new colour regime, but can only access colours in the palette and will not necessarily read back the precise colours in use. The PaletteSet() and PaletteGet() functions operate on the colour palette as before but as this palette is now only a convenient set of colours to make interactive colour selection easier, any changes made to the palette will not cause any changes to the colours actually used for drawing.
- The OpClEventMerge(), OpClEventChop(), OpClEventSplit() and OpClEventDelete() functions all mimicked the behaviour of the interactive event editing dialog by not operating on events (or areas of events) that were outside of the displayed time range in the view. They now operate irrespectively of the displayed area by default; an optional argument can be used to obtain the previous behaviour if that is required.
- Sampling automatically stops when the new data file size reaches 2,000,000,000 bytes to avoid CFS library problems at somewhat larger (2,147,483,647 bytes) file sizes.
- The channel information dialog is now modeless, this allows you to change the current data view frame while the dialog is up and thus see settings for different frames much more easily.
- An undocumented experimental feature in the script language treated the vertical bar character as an alternative form of the logical or operator, it is now treated as an illegal character.