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Recent technical history of PolTalk

This interfaces to the Polhemus position/motion sensing systems: FASTRAK, Patriot, Liberty, Liberty Latus, Patriot Wireless and Minuteman.

Date Version Summary
02/2019 1.20
    This is the first version of PolTalk to require a license to be installed in Spike2 in order for it to be used.
01/2019 1.10
  1. This version of PolTalk handles high resolution monitors better.
  2. It has a standard status bar that displays useful information and a connection settings dialog which can be used instead of command-line parameters to set the Spike2 machine name and talker number.
    This version of PolTalk incorporates improved handling of data packets and errors.
01/2018 1.00
    This is the initial release of PolTalk.
Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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