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Users tell us

  • “We have been using CED equipment for at least 20 years in order to collect EMG and EEG data during our studies of human motor control in health and disease. We use the Signal and Spike software extensively to control experiments and analyse data and have seen the programs evolve and become ever more impressive over the years. CED have been remarkably receptive to our suggestions for additions to the software, such as interface panels for external equipment such as TMS devices and multichannel amplifiers. They have also regularly provided pretty well immediate help with any in house software programming. Its hard to fault the level of service that we have received so consistently.”
    John Rothwell
    Professor of Human Neurophysiology
    UCL Institute of Neurology

  • “I've used Signal software from CED now for many years. It does what I want, and when I get stuck CED staff are quick to help and provide solutions”
    Dr Michael G. Evans
    School of Life Sciences
    Keele University

  • “I would say that 1401 is the most versatile interface on the market and while there are several others, this one comes with the best software package for those who do not want to spend months fiddling with the software. It is true that there are relatively cheap ADC/DAC boards for DIY enthusiasts but to make good use of them you need an engineer to work in your team. And then the analysis is also "up to you". While Spike almost does it all for you and if you are up to it, you can programme almost anything. It is also a European product, which is yet another reason to buy it.”
    Dr Sergey Kasparov
    Department of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience
    University of Bristol

  • “I used various CED programs, especially Spike2 in more recent years, and the data acquisition units the 1401 and later the micro 1401. These units are very versatile, and I know I hardly used a fraction of what they are capable of.
    The company has always been enormously supportive and helpful. I always knew that if I phoned them, someone would help me find the answer, or even on occasion, write bits of script for us to help us move forward. They run regular training courses, of course, and keep in touch with CED users by making visits to their labs, always trying to find out what more might be needed, both to help and presumably to guide the development of their hardware and software.
    Even having been retired for six years, I am still using the last version of spike2 that I have access to, and I am certain that if I needed it, help would be at the end of the phone.”
    Professor Sally Lawson
    School of Physiology and Pharmacology
    University of Bristol

  • “We at the Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, have had a prolonged relationship with Cambridge Electronic Design (CED), to my knowledge dating before 1976, with therefore experience in its succession of products including the original 502 in addition to the series of 1401 systems.
    We have greatly benefited from a cordial, straightforward relationship based on firm trust, not only in the quality of CED software and hardware, but also the continued relationship and assistance in bespoke problems. CED products and the company relationships they bring about are therefore ideal for both the beginning and experienced scientists at their respective levels of electrophysiological work.”
    Christopher Huang
    Professor of Cell Physiology
    University of Cambridge

  • "I have been a customer of the CED for almost 30 years and during this time I have always been happy with their hardware, software and the customer service"
    Dr Stanislaw Glazewski
    School of Life Sciences
    Keele University

  • “I have used 1401s and Spike2 for many, many years in my neuroscience research and have been delighted with both, and with the excellent support provided by CED.
    Prof Bruce Matthews
    Dept of Physiology & Pharmacology
    University of Bristol

  • "We have used CED hardware together with spike and signal software for over a decade in our labs at the Burke Medical Research Institute, New York, as well as several labs abroad. The acquisition and analysis capabilities are excellent, for our human EMG, non-invasive stimulation, and robotics studies. The customer service provided by CED has been exceptional."
    Dylan J. Edwards
    Director: Brain Stim. & Robotics Lab, Restorative Neurol. Clinic
    Burke Medical Research institute
    New York
Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

Registered in England: 00972132

Registered office:

  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

VAT: GB 214 2617 96

Producer registration number: WEE/BD0050TZ

Terms and Conditions of Sale

For our US customers, we can provide tax form W-8BEN, that identifies us as a UK company.

DUNS: 219151016
NAICS: 423490
Commodity codes
Hardware: 84716070
Software: 85235190

By email:


By post:
  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ
By telephone:

(Int.+44) (0)1223 420186

From North America (Toll Free):

1 800 345 7794
