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CED 4003 Potentiometer

The CED 4003 is a simple linear 10k potentiometer, intended to provide manually adjustable signal division. It is cased and has BNC leads that allow input connection from a voltage source such as a 1401 DAC waveform output, with an output connection suitable for an ADC waveform input.

The potentiometer output is controlled by a slider, with markings and writeable labels.

Case size: 166mm x 70mm x 28mm, lead length 2 metres.

The input voltage should not exceed 30V.


CED 4704 USB Potentiometer

The CED 4704 V2 is a linear potentiometer with a USB interface. The linear position of the potentiometer can be streamed back as a percentage of full scale to the USB host to a resolution of 0.1%. The interface is a Virtual Serial Port, through which simple commands are sent to the device and responses returned as text strings.

The potentiometer is powered from the USB port and draws 50mA.


  • User commands, terminated by a semicolon or by a carriage return, for the CED 4704 V2, firmware rev 7:

    SL or ?SL return the position of the slider as a percentage of full scale xxx.x or xxx
    STstart a stream of slider percentage returns at the current rate until SS received
    SSstop the sending of slider percentages
    SRnset the time interval of percentage value sending in milliseconds (n = 10 to 32767, default 100)
    FLgive a 200ms flash of the green LED on the slider box
    VCnset printing values right-justified (RJ) in n columns, n = 1 to 10; enable using OP11
    OPnv / ?OPn set / interrogate options stored in internal EPROM:
    OP00 / OP01 do not / do add LF after CR in returned values
    OP10 / OP11 print single column LJ / print in n columns RJ (n set by VCn)
    OP20 / OP21 print decimal tenths / print integer values only
    OP30 / OP31 print slider range as 0.0 to 100.0 / print as ±50.0 with centre zero
    ?ERcancel a red LED and return the last error code; returns "000" if none
    ?IDreturn "CED slider pot xx" where xx is the last two digits of the serial number
    ?VNreturn the firmware revision
    ?SNreturn the full serial number (SLxxxx)
    ?TOreturn the travel offset that is subtracted before reporting each slider position value
    1. The SL command has no effect if streaming returns are in progress
    2. The default rate for streaming is 10 values per second (100 millisecond intervals)
    3. Error codes are of the form XYZ, where XY is the offending command and Z is a qualifier
Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

VAT: GB 214 2617 96

Producer registration number: WEE/BD0050TZ

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For our US customers, we can provide tax form W-8BEN, that identifies us as a UK company.

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  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ
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