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Recent technical history of Micro-3 firmware

There are two types of firmware in the Micro1401-3: software and hardware. The software firmware is the program code that tests the Micro1401 when you switch it on and that then obeys instructions transmitted from the host. The hardware firmware includes controls for components such as the ADC and DACs, the clocks, the digital input and output, and the host ports.

Revision 06 - Freely downloadable now.

Date Version Summary
11/15 06 Monitor 5


  • This increases the reliability when the Micro is used as a slave in a synchronised array of 1401s.
04/14 05 Monitor 5


  • When you add a 64-channel top box you have the option of keeping the original 4 motherboard channels as 0-3 and running the top box as 4-67. However, before version 5 of the monitor and version 5 of the FPGA, channels 64-67 did not work. If your top box is set to replace the motherboard ADC channels, there will be no difference in functionality.
02/14 04 Monitor 4


  • Corrected readback of synch state.
06/10 03 Monitor 4


  • Fixes an occasional spurious clock 0 and 1 self test error.
11/09 02 Monitor 3


  • Does not load the FPGA on a warm boot if already loaded.
  • USB code rewritten to use a 4 endpoint interface.
  • ROM,F,C,n will accept values of n from 2 to 9.
  • Flash programming protects against failure caused by the MMU tables moving.
  • Support for logical ADC channels added and used to add support for the ADC64 topbox.
  • DAC silo support and test code added.
  • USB code has watchdog to detect and react to idle.
06/09 01 Monitor 1


  • This is the original version.
Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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