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Sequencer problem in Signal

We have discovered a bug in the Micro1401-4 command that controls the use of the Signal output sequencer. This relates to the CALL/RETURN instruction pair, which is not used by many sequences. The problem occurs when nested use is made of these instructions (CALLing a routine within a CALLed routine).

Symptoms of the problem are at best, random sequencer behaviour, and at worst, the 1401 will stop responding.

This .zip file contains replacements for the SGnBOX.ars command for versions 8, 7 and 6 of Signal. For example, if you use Signal version 8, do the following:

1. Extract the file SG8BOX.ars.
2. Copy it to C:\Program Files\CED\Signal8\1401 to replace the existing file. If you have installed to a different location you will have to locate the \1401 folder.

You will need Administrator privilege to replace the existing file.

If you have an older version of Signal, replace the 8 in SG8BOX.ars and Signal8 with the number that matches your version.

This applies to the Micro1401-4 (Micro4) only. Other members of the 1401 family are not affected by this.

The next releases of Signal on our web site will include this fix. If you do not use a Micro4, or do not use the output sequencer, or do not make use of CALL/RETURN command sequences, you need take no action.

Download the zip file

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