这个脚本可以利用多种状态和1401数字输出端控制装有并行端口变体的较早的Magstim 200型号。脚本会创建一个适当的取样配置,允许用户指定Magstim输出强度和每个状态输出之间的间隔。
这个脚本要求Signal v3.10或更高版本。
This archive contains two online scripts to control a TMS machine in order to generate the stimuli required to build up a plot of MEP amplitude vs. stimulus intensity.
Stimulus intensities are randomised to minimise habituation and can be applied singly, under manual control, or automatically at fixed intervals. MEP amplitudes are measured automatically within a user-defined time range. A best fit Bolzmann sigmoid curve fit of MEP amplitude vs Intensity updates after each stimulus. There are options to edit the Intensity-Response plot to exclude data points where the background noise level was too high. In addition, the plot can be normalised relative to user-defined upper and lower limits.
MEP recordings, I-R plot and a spreadsheet of results, including the sigmoid fit statistics are saved to disk. The degree of automation means that it should be possible to obtain high quality intensity –response plots in only a few minutes.
There are two variants of the FastMEPsr script. with the suffixes V1 and V2.
V1 presents stimuli at random intensities within a user-defined range until stopped by the user or all intensities in the range have been applied.
In V2.the user selects an intensity range and step size and the number of repeats at each intensity. The script then presents these pre-defined intensities in random order.
Each script has a quick-reference user guide that displays while the script is running at the click on a toolbar button. There is also a .pdf user guide for V1.
上面部分程序不是CED的成果,而是用户自己编写的。 如果您也写有程序,希望通过这个网页与大家分享,请告诉 Simon Parker。 我们还提供了一些 Spike2 专用程序。
这些脚本储存为WinZip文件、myscript.zip, 显示为signal\scripts\myscript.sgs的地方除外。 这些文件与Signal一起安装。signal代表你安装Signal的目录。点击下面的描述行可以查看概要。然后你可以通过点击文件名开始下载;请检查收到的文件大小。
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