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技术历史:Signal 第1版

日期 版本 概述
2002年9月 1.906 修复
  1. 在用一个教本取样的是否拖动工具栏有时可能引起崩溃。这个问题已经得到解决。
  2. 有些生效的光标模式不可靠, 这个问题已经得到解决。
  3. SetLeak()脚本指令现在可以正确接受以秒钟为单位的时间。在之前,如果显示的单位不是秒钟,其可能失败。
  4. 该版本与Micro1401 MkII配合使用。
  5. 一半以上ADC范围滞后的问题现在可以用一个模拟触发器进行周边触发取样。
  6. 在上一个版本中出现的关于区别信道方面的误差已经改正。
2000年12月 1.903 修复
  1. The external digital states part of the sample configuration dialog now redraws correctly after being partially covered.
  2. The 1902 controller now allows for filters for frequencies bellow 0.5 Hz.
  3. Differentiation and integration now scale for the sample interval; previously it would just calculate simple sums or differences.
  4. Channel differentiation is now recorded correctly by the script recorder.
2000年10月 1.902 修复
  1. A requirement for MSVCRT.DLL has again been removed.
  2. The variables windows no longer change their scrolled position when stepping through a script.
2000年09月 1.901 修复
  1. Recalling the AutoAverage process dialog while looking at a frame of the memory view other than Frame 1 will no longer crash the program.
  2. Doing a second AutoAverage on the end of an existing one no longer causes the existing averages to be further divided down by the number of sweeps they contain.
2000年07月 1.90 更新
  1. Includes the latest W2K and NT drivers.
  1. Display All in cursor menu now works even with ms or us selected for units.
  2. CursorActiveSet() now records correctly.
2000年06月 1.89 修复
  1. A problem which prevented Signal from reading data if it required an internal buffer of exactly 64 k has been fixed.
  2. If no path is set for temporary data files in the preferences dialog then Signal no longer crashes if data is saved to a drive other than the current one.
  3. "Cycles before idle", can now be set to 0 in the sampling configuration.
  1. This version no longer needs MSVCRT.DLL to run.
2000年04月 1.88 修复
  1. We have fixed a problem in the 1.87 release, in which changes to the sampling configuration could be lost if OK rather than Run Now were pressed.
2000年04月 1.87 更新
  1. Signal can now create CFS files with path names longer than 70 characters.
  1. Moving between tabs of the sampling configuration dialog no longer causes settings to be lost.
2000年03月 1.86 更新
  1. Peak and trough detection algorithms have been improved to cope with parts of a waveform below a trough or above a peak at the start of the search range.
  1. Appending multiple frames to an existing file no longer produces a file with data in the wrong frames.
2000年02月 1.85 layoutfixes
  1. Cursor values are now always taken from the nearest sampled point. Previously they were sometimes the average of two points.
  2. Dragging a vertical cursor off to the left or right of a view now causes correct scrolling of the data even when the time units are not seconds. Previously if milliseconds or microseconds were selected in the preferences as the units, the scrolling would have unpredictable effects.
2000年02月 1.84 修复
  1. On-line rectification no longer overflows when negative full scale is sampled.
  2. Some Postscript printer drivers would cause floating-point overflow which would in turn crash Signal. Signal now copes with the overflow.
2000年01月 1.83 更新
  1. This is the first version to support the USB driver.
  1. FileSaveAs() no longer crashes when trying to save to a non existent directory.
  2. The script recorder now records ShowBuffer() correctly.
1999年11月 1.82 更新
  1. This version of Signal fully supports the Power1401, allowing the highest possible ADC rates and much finer resolution in pulse output times.
  1. The script recorder correctly generates code for subtracting the DC offset from one or more channels.
  2. Closing lots of views with duplicates using the Close All command in the Windows menu could cause a program error; this has now been fixed.
1999年08月 1.81 更新
  1. This version of Signal is the first to support the Power1401.
  2. The data acquisition loop has been adjusted to try to minimise the interval between frames, in particular the variation in interval.
  1. CursorDelete(-1) deletes all vertical cursors.
  2. LastN mode now works correctly for on-line processing.
  3. Previously Signal would crash if you attempted to paste a waveform into an XY view, nothing now happens.
  4. The initial active cursor settings after using CursorMode() are now decent. Previously the initial time strings were "" and the time scaling was invalid. Now the time strings are "XLow()" and "Xhigh()" and all times are in seconds.
  5. Improvements made to Power1401 commands enabling the peri-triggers and pulses outputs to work correctly.
1999年06月 1.80 更新
  1. There are now menu items for viewing & editing the file and frame comments.
  2. The frame state, start time and flags are shown in the printout heading.
  3. The cursor windows have been re-engineered to stay on top, extra functions are now available via a right-mouse click
  4. Automatic re-processing of memory views if the source data changes can now be enabled or disabled.
  5. The preferences dialog includes a selector for a font used for text documents and, optionally, for new data views.
  6. A new processing method, Auto-Average, produces a multi-frame average, each frame being produced from n source frames.
  7. Horizontal cursors are now accessible from the menu.
  8. The device driver revision can be seen in the About box.
  9. The subtract DC offset operation now has a mechanism for selecting the area over which the DC level is measured.
  1. The process settings dialog doesn't ask if it's OK to clear bins if the settings are unchanged
  2. Append frame is disabled online and in a leak-subtraction result.
  3. The process dialogs don't get confused by time in milliseconds
  4. State codes are written to processed results if appropriate
  5. DlgChan() works with an XY view
  6. The number of points and axis labels in an XY view can now be changed online
  7. Print Screen is available online
  8. Window() works on hidden minimized views.
  9. ChanValue() gives a fatal error if there is no data and no data% variable to allow notification of this
  10. Frames between updates for online processing is properly used
  11. Preview of ramp pulses has been corrected
  12. Online analysis obeys the clear results checkbox when appropriate
  13. Rejecting a sweep causes re-processing if appropriate
  14. Dragging a peri-trigger level cursor off the screen doesn't cause a sampling failure
  15. Dragged peri-trigger levels always draw correctly.
1999年02月 1.72 修复
  1. The use of telegraph outputs generated by an amplifier was incorrect, causing sampled data to be incorrectly scaled in some circumstances.
1998年12月 1.71 修复
  1. The cursor values and cursor regions measurement windows were not showing measurements taken from the frame buffer data if the frame buffer was being shown.
  2. The pulses configuration dialog was hanging in some circumstances.
  3. The number of files openable is no longer limited to 16.
1998年11月 1.70 更新
  1. Trend plot analysis to automatically take measurements from data files and construct an XY plot.
  2. Active cursors that automatically move to the position of features in the data. These can operate in parallel with trend plot generation to increase it's capabilities.
  3. Leak subtractions analysis to produce a multi-frame memory view.
  4. Control over time units: select seconds, milliseconds or microseconds.
  5. Online control of peri-trigger waveform trigger levels via cursors.
  6. Built-in automatic artefact rejection or tagging.
  7. Line width control for better displays and printing.
  8. Automatic idle after n cycles of multiple states.
  9. Data rotate operation added to channel modifications.
  10. Multi-level undo for display changes.
  1. Power-spectrum averaging function now works again.
1998年09月 1.63 修复
  1. The result of power-spectrum analysis are correctly scaled. Versions 1.60 to 1.62 produced power spectrum results exactly half the correct values.
  2. The pulse dialog now handles arbitrary waveforms starting at time zero correctly and sine wave output is always stopped.
  3. The script recorder could lose a recorded command, particularly in very short scripts.
  4. Automatic file saving without using automatic file naming was causing Signal to fail: this is now fixed.
  5. A problem with saving a newly sampled file to the same name as set by the sampling configuration name template has now been fixed.
1998年09月 1.62 更新
  1. The ViewKind() script function has been extended to include an optional view handle argument so that it can be used to check the status and type of views that are not the current view.
  1. The SampleStatus() script function now reliably returns 3 when sampling is paused.
  2. The mechanism for exporting data to a text file was flawed in 1.61, all frames contained data from the current frame. This is now fixed.
1998年08月 1.61 更新
  1. Arbitrary waveform output in the 1401plus will now run faster, up to 80KHz.
  2. Fixed interval sweep mode can now have a random variation, within limits, applied to the sweep interval.
  1. The mechanism for pausing after a sampled sweep now operates immediately. Similarly, changes made to the pulse outputs during sampling affect the next sweep.
  2. The dialog querying sampling Abort has been improved.
  3. In previous versions, the pulse dialog was limiting pulse amplitudes incorrectly.
  4. For pulse outputs, the initial output values are set as soon as possible.
  5. Changes to channel calibration are reflected immediately in the data.
  6. Telegraph output support was causing sampling to fail on the micro1401.
1998年07月 1.60 更新
  1. Extensive keyboard display control mechanisms.
  2. Channel modification functions (Rectify, subtract DC offset, etc.) by keyboard, via the menu, or by means of the script language.
  3. A frame buffer plus frame arithmetic functions, and a multiple frames dialog to carry out repetitive operations. Script language functions to use the buffer are also available.
  4. Read-only files can now be opened and viewed, but not modified.
  5. The file Data update mode flag is now available for alteration in the File menu.
  6. Context (right mouse button) menus have been added where possible.
  7. Amplifier telegraph outputs are now supported.
  8. The script language can control the titles of dialogs produced by the Message(), Query(), Input() and Input$() functions.
  9. The DlgList() script function can take a single string holding all the options - much easier to use.
  1. The PulseAdd() script language function now works for arbitrary waveform items.
  2. Some small errors in pulse timing have been removed and the sampling mechanisms have been adjusted to remove a possible source of sampling hanging.
  3. Rejecting a sweep in fixed interval mode doesn't affect the interval timing.
  4. The Optimise() script function was sometimes returning an invalid value, causing the script to halt.
  5. The layout of dialogs created by the script language is improved.
  6. Sampling doesn't continue to the sweep end when stopped in the middle of a long sweep.
  7. The view handles returned by SampleHandle() will now work with functions such as WindowVisible.
1998年05月 1.52 修复
  1. Appended frames were not being updated or saved correctly, now corrected.
  2. SampleStatus() now returns 4 when sampling is stopped but not finished.
  3. If the path for new, sampled, data files is invalid, it is cleared automatically.
  4. CondSet() now handles the default values for filter settings correctly.
1998年05月 1.51 修复
  1. The SampleRate script function was failing to correctly change the rate, plus the SampleBurst and SamplePorts functions might need to adjust the rate but wouldn't. All now act correctly.
  2. A memory leak in script string concatenation operations (s$ := s$ + "another string") has been removed.
1998年05月 1.50 更新
  1. Pulses and arbitrary waveforms can be output during sampling, including ramps, sine waves, pulse trains and digital pulses. Outputs can be produced before, during and after the sweep of data sampling. Pulses can be set up so that they automatically cycle through a number of amplitude values.
  2. The data acquisition system can now use multiple frame states. This mechanism can record the state from external equipment, or it can be used to switch between a number of different sets of pulse outputs. Analysis of data can use the frame states to produce results corresponding to just one state.
  3. A new data acquisition mode allows sampling of sweeps at fixed, accurately timed, intervals.
  4. There is a new XY view type to plot user-defined graphs in a wide variety of styles, such as trend plots and waterfall displays. Example scripts for using XY views are provided.
  5. Signal can append new frames to existing data files or memory views. Multi-frame memory views can have separate processing parameters for each frame.
  6. Automatic re-processing of memory views if the source data changes.
  7. Automatic filename generation for sampled data and (optional) automatic filing of new data to disk.
  8. The absolute time of each sampled frame is now recorded with the frame data.
  9. You can double-click on a channel to zoom the display to show just that channel, or to revert to the previous multi-channel display.
  10. Extra cursor region measurements; standard deviation from mean and RMS level.
  11. Enhanced Metafile export to file or clipboard to allow easy insertion of complex pictures into drawing programs such as CorelDraw or Easel. Bitmap export produces much smaller files.
  12. Enhanced waveform overdraw mode for sampled data.
  13. Improved sampling mechanisms to give much shorter delays between frames, can be as short as 10 ms.
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