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Micro1401 Top Boxes & expansion

The Micro1401 is expanded by similar format cases that are fixed on top of the main case, with hidden internal electrical links.

Sets of 12 more waveform inputs - the ADC12

The set of waveform input channels may be expanded by adding 4701-3 top boxes with 12 extra channels each. Once the Micro1401 is told about the extra channels by the installation program, the new ones may be freely used just like the basic set. Software that reads the extra channels would have returned data values of zero if the top box were not installed.

The electrical and timing characteristics of these inputs are the same as those of the base four.


Sets of 12 more waveform inputs - the ADC12

64 more waveform inputs - the ADC64 (Micro-3 and 4)

For large numbers of channels, an additional 64 differential channels are available with this 3701-64 top box. There is not room for 64 BNCs on the front, so there are mass termination sockets on the back. Two of these top boxes may be fitted, giving a maximum of 128 channels of waveform input.


64 more waveform inputs - the ADC64 (Micro-3 and 4)

Break-out boxes 2805ADC-16 are available that connect one of the four mass termination sockets to a box with 16 BNCs.

The electrical characteristics of these inputs are the same as those of the base four. The common mode rejection is 75 db and the maximum sampling rate is slower, at 400kHz for the ±5V setting, instead of 500KHz, and 200kHz for the ±10V setting.



Digital BNC connections - the Spike2 Expansion (Micro1401 mk 2, 3 and 4)

In some applications, such as many uses of Spike2, the digital inputs and outputs are heavily used for signals. It is convenient to have more of these connectors available on the front panel as BNCs, which is achieved by this 3001-9 top box.

The safe working voltage range of the inputs is ±10 volts, and they present an impedance of 47 kOhms, as with the front panel Event and Trigger inputs.

This top box has external connections to the digital input and output connectors of the main 1401, as well as internal ones, so the top box carries auxiliary connectors for these functions, which to the user, are identical with the original ones.


Digital BNC connections - the Spike2 Expansion (Micro1401 mk 2, 3 and 4)

Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

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