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Recent technical history of IntanTalk

This interfaces to Intan Technologies RHD2000 equipment which logs data from large numbers of electrodes using a custom chip to digitise the signals close to the electrodes. Typically used for EMG, ECG/EKG, ECoG, EEG, neural action potentials, local field potentials, and intracellular voltages and currents.

Date Version Summary
10/2023 1.63
  1. This has been adjusted so that it uses significantly less processor time during sampling.
  2. The talker uses improved mechanisms to generate more accurate timing drift information for the host, and to select the first data point saved.
  3. The host connection mechanism has been adjusted to allow it to connect to the host without having a hardware connection.
08/2023 1.62
    This version of IntanTalk uses improved mechanisms to generate more accurate timing drift information for the host. The information saved in the optional log file has been improved.
04/2023 1.61
    Version 1.60 failed to update the talker settings after the configuration dialog was used; this has now been fixed. A problem where the connection with Spike2 repeatedly fails has been corrected: logging of event times, and logging of events as levels now work correctly.
12/2022 1.60
    This version of IntanTalk supports the output of up to four sampled signals to DAC outputs and can generate event channels using the hardware digital inputs. It has also been adjusted to give different timing parameters to the host so that timing drift compensation works better. As Signal now also supports talkers, the text "Spike2" has been converted to "host" where appropriate. The new talker path command is now supported.
02/2019 1.50
  1. This is the first version of IntanTalk to require a license to be installed in Spike2 in order for it to be used.
  2. It adds a new drift compensation options dialog which can be used to fine-tune the drift compensation system and generate debug information.
  3. It corrects a fault where the electrode number for a channel was shown incorrectly (in Spike2) for the upper 32 channels of a 64-channel amplifier board.
01/2019 1.40
  1. This version of IntanTalk adds a hardware type option to the File menu and supports the Open Ephys variants of the standard Intan hardware.
  2. It corrects a fault when using the Intan USB2 evaluation board and sampling from the upper 32 channels in a 64-channel amplifier board, which would previously cause the program to halt as soon as sampling started.
  1. This version of IntanTalk allows a TTL pulse from the 1401 to be used to start data acquisition which gives significantly greater accuracy in data timing.
  2. The detection of amplifier boards connected to the USB2 evaluation board hardware has been corrected; previously only the first amplifier board was detected. Possible problems when detecting changes of the hardware that is in use are now avoided.
  3. The application remembers the location where it was previously used and will re-open in the same position.
    This version of IntanTalk has been adjusted in the same manner as version 1.20 but for the original USB2 evaluation board hardware.
    This version of IntanTalk has been adjusted to improve the efficiency of data handling with the USB3 recording controller and to avoid USB buffer overflows.
    This version of IntanTalk handles high resolution monitors better, and has a standard status bar that displays useful information and a connection settings dialog which can be used instead of command-line parameters to set the Spike2 machine name.
    This version of IntanTalk incorporates improved handling of data packets and errors.
    This is the initial release of IntanTalk.
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