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日期 版本 概述
2025年1月 11.01a 修復
  1. Sampling TextMark input from a serial line could crash data capture.
2024年12月 11.01 更新
  1. In the script editor, the Functions drop down list now includes the first sentence of any comment associated with the Func or Proc if you hold down the Ctrl key when activating the list.
  2. The TalkerInfo() script command is extended to allow requests to a loaded talker to stop running.
  3. The SampleChanInfo() script command is extended to report the talker name used as a channel source.
  4. There are new Grid view interactive commands to insert and delete columns and rows.
  5. The new GrdInsertCols() and GrdInsertRows() script commands insert columns and rows into a Grid view.
  6. The new GrdDeleteCols() and GrdDeleteRows() script commands delete columns and rows from a Grid view.
  7. The DupChan() script command is extended to return the highest numbered duplicate of a channel
  1. A derived channel set to Peak and Trough detect mode did not detect troughs.
  2. Markers from a derived channel did not display cleanly during sampling.
  3. In the graphical sequence editor, if you double-clicked a digital or DAC trace to zoom in, then used the > and < buttons to navigate, the highlight could move to hidden items.
  4. In a script file with #include files, It was possible for the display of Tips and the contents of the Functions drop down list to display old values if the included script files were edited.
  5. In a Micro4, nested and recursive use of the CALL...RETURN output sequencer commands would fail.
  6. Using the SSClassify() script command in fast mode to overwrite a channel could cause Spike2 to hang.
  7. Setting a Time, Result, XY, Grid or text-based view to Iconized mode with WindowVisible(2) when in Maximized mode could destabilize Windows and lead to a hang.
  8. The MemImport() script command could crash when used to import a WaveMark channel from a waveform channel using an Event channel to mark items when the scale and offset set for the waveform differed from those set for the WaveMark channel.
  1. Setting a view to Iconized mode with WindowVisible(2) now switches the application out of Maximized mode.
  2. In a Time view, DupChan(chan%, n%) with n% > 0 now finds the nth existing duplicate, not the duplicate implied by 1 for a, 2 for b, and so on, which became confusing when duplicates were deleted.
2024年10月 11.00 更新
  1. The Sampling configuration can now hold a list of pre-set TextMark data items that can be applied during sampling.
  2. The SampleTextMark() script command has new variants that can set and read pre-set TextMark data items and links to the sequencer and arbitrary waveform output. You can also lock these settings against user changes during sampling.
  3. TextMark data created during sampling either manually or from a serial line input can trigger the output sequencer and arbitrary waveform output.
  4. When sampling serial line data as a TextMark, you can now set how the code associated with each TextMark item is located in the data and converted.
  5. There is a new SampleTextMarkLink() script command to control the link between on-line TextMark codes and the output sequencer and arbitrary waveform output.
  6. In Overdraw 3D mode you can now use click and drag to change the screen arrangement and changes can be undone.
  7. The Overdraw list dialog has been extended to allow user-defined trigger times in addition to Event times and changes can be undone.
  8. The ViewTrigger() command with mode% set to 4 returns the current trigger time (position displayed as 0.0 on the x axis).
  9. Triggered data sweeps that would partially extend before the start or after the end of a file are now drawn. Previously they were ignored.
  10. Dragging the y axis now hides horizontal cursors during the drag operation. This is slightly faster and fixes a problem where a horizontal cursor with labels using a filled background did not redraw properly until the end of the drag.
  11. Using the Cursor menu to Fetch a horizontal cursor now makes it visible if it was hidden (which matches the behavior for vertical cursors).
  12. The Text importer can now read files holding UTF-16LE format files in addition to files with 8-bit characters.
  13. The Graphical Sequence editor displays a vertical blue line over the Digital and DAC traces for each Wait command as a visual indication that the time base is suspended at that point.
  14. The Graphical Sequence editor action to wait for a digital input change now allows an optional time out.
  15. The tooltip generated when hovering over a track in the graphical sequence editor now lists the number of items in the track.
  16. The graphical sequence editor will not accept a blank track name.
  17. The output sequencer supports new expression functions Ceil(), Floor(), Round() and Trunc().
  18. The output sequencer allows relative branches by replacing a label with +n or -n, where n is the number of steps to branch forwards or backwards.
  19. The system toolbar now has a button that activates a TextMark dialog. When sampling, this opens the Create TextMark dialog, when reviewing data it opens the TextMark List/Edit dialog.
  20. If there are multiple TextMark channels, the TextMark List menu command now opens the lowest-numbered selected channel or the lowest-numbered channel if none are selected.
  21. The Pen Width dialog is enhanced with a spinner control that changes the pen width to the next value that makes a visible difference.
  22. In a time view, the command MaxTime(-1) resets the maximum file time (stored in the file header) to the maximum time of any item stored in the disk file.
  23. When drawing RealMark data as a waveform in Dots mode, the channel Primary colour now overrides the default of drawing using Marker colours.
  24. Info windows can now display recent TextMark text or Marker channel codes.
  25. The Analysis menu Process command Gate Settings dialog now remembers the last values applied in a session when opened for a new Process. Previously the values were always reset.
  26. The File menu Load Configuration command has a new option to load the default configuration.
  27. Active Horizontal cursors have two new modes: Median and Median + factor * size.
  28. Cursor Regions and the ChanMeasure(chan%, 22, ...) script command can measure a channel amplitude using medians of differences from the channel median.
  29. The first argument of the ArrSort() script command is now allowed to be an array of Objects if the opt% argument is -1 (randomize order).
  30. In the Sampling configuration dialog Channels tab, the Copy as Text and Log options now include the Script tab settings.
  31. The SampleText() script command can now control the output sequencer and trigger a PlayWave area.
  32. With recording enabled, the Create TextMark dialog now records user commands.
  33. The Sampling Configuration channel setup for TextMark data now includes the 'friendly name' of each COM port to make port selection easier.
自 10.21 起修復
  1. The Edit menu Copy command of a screen image to a Metafile or a bitmap did not show cursor labels with a filled background.
  2. The graphical sequencer Wait for time command was drawn as if it was 1 sequencer tick in duration, but caused subsequent items in the generated sequence to be incorrectly timed. It now works as intended, effectively pausing the sequence for a user-defined time.
  3. When viewing output sequencer code, it was possible for incorrect colourization of command arguments; the command "WAVEGO S,W" would display the 'S' in the colour set for sequencer functions as it was confused with the s(expr) sequencer function.
  4. Opening the Signal conditioner settings dialog off-line after accessing them while sampling could show the wrong port number.
  5. The TextMark List dialog did not update the displayed channel number if there were multiple TextMark channels and the user changed channel.
  6. Measuring the Median of a result view channel with the Cursor Regions dialog or the ChanMeasure() script command changed the channel data and did not return a result value.
  7. When recording the SampleTextMark() script command, the serial line input term$ string was truncated to a single character.
  8. When recording the SampleChannels() command, the special channels position was always left at the default value.
  9. If you sampled with a Micro4 with a Monitor revision less than 7, the output sequencer did not step.
  10. In a user-defined dialog, clicking a spinner to change a large real number by a small increment could cause no change to the value.
  11. When calculating the power in a band in a virtual channel, the low band edge was set incorrectly. The error was typically less than a quarter of the requested frequency resolution.
自 10.21 以來的變化
  1. The channel list generated by the DlgChan() script function is now in the order of the displayed channels on screen. Previously, the list was sorted alphabetically, but as the entries started with the channel number, the order was a little strange (1-10, 100-109, 11, ...).
  2. Marker and Marker-derived channels drawn in dots mode or WaveMark mode can override the marker code colour with the channel Secondary colour. Previously it was overridden with the channel Primary colour.
Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

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