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Talker software developer kit

The Talker module defines an interface between Spike2 and one or more external software modules (“talkers”) such that talkers can generate data to be included in Spike2 data files while they are being sampled. The interface includes mechanisms to allow talkers to be configured by Spike2, integrated into the Spike2 sampling configuration dialog and synchronised with Spike2 data sampling. Talkers are asked for information about the data channels they can create and are notified when Spike2 prepares for sampling, starts sampling, logs keyboard markers and stops sampling. View the recent technical history here and more background of the Talker here.

The kit is packaged as an installer file, which contains the talker interface documentation, support files and example code.

We like to know who is planning to use the kit, and to what devices you want to link, to help with our development.

Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

Registered in England: 00972132

Registered office:

  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

VAT: GB 214 2617 96

Producer registration number: WEE/BD0050TZ

Terms and Conditions of Sale

For our US customers, we can provide tax form W-8BEN, that identifies us as a UK company.

DUNS: 219151016
NAICS: 423490
Commodity codes
Hardware: 84716070
Software: 85235190

By email:


By post:
  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ
By telephone:

(Int.+44) (0)1223 420186

From North America (Toll Free):

1 800 345 7794
