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Spike2 scripts

Examples of Method

Copy data to and extract data from a grid view
Grid demo.s2s (10/17)


This script demonstrates the use of script functions to create a grid view and add data to it or extract data from it.

Grid views store data as strings rather than numbers. This script uses a library of script functions (ghgridutils.s2s) to convert 1- and 2- dimensional arrays of numbers to columns and rows of strings and vice versa.

This script requires Spike2 v8.06 or higher. From versions 8.14 and 9.02 onwards, this script will be included in the scripts folder of the Spike2 application.

Draw your own arbitrary waveforms
DrawPlayWave.s2s (01/10)


This is an example script that allows the drawing of an arbitrary waveform for output from the 1401 DAC's using the mouse pointer. The user specifies the output rate, waveform duration and associated key for the waveform before drawing the shape required in a result view window by holding down the Shift key together with the left mouse button and dragging the mouse. The waveform can then be added to the play wave area of the sampling configuration by clicking the 'Add' button in the script toolbar.

This script requires Spike2 v7.01 or higher.

Interactive control of pulse output amplitude
CursorPulseAmp.s2s (01/17)


This script and associated sequence file is an example of updating a running sequence file during sampling with an interactive script.

The included sampling configuration can be used to visualize the pulse outputs by connecting DAC 0 to ADC 0 on the 1401. Load the CursorPulseAmp.pls sequence file from the sequencer tab of the sampling configuration and click OK before running the script. The script opens a new data file ready to sample and creates a tollbar to start and stop sampling. During sampling the horizontal cursor can be dragged up and down to control the amplitude of the pulse train output.

This script requires Spike2 v6.14 or higher.

Test on-line scripts on existing data files
SimOnSkel.s2s (01/17)


This script uses the PlayOffLine() script command to replay an existing data file and give the script access to the current replay position to simulate sampling.

To use this for testing purposes, simply add the function code that you plan to use on-line at the position indicated in the Idle%() function.

This script requires Spike2 v5.21 or higher.

Alarm clock
Alarm.s2s (05/10)


This script is a simple example allowing the user to set an alarm time based on the system clock of the PC. This example emits a tone and displays a message box once the alarm time is reached, but could easily be modified to perform other functions in response to the alarm setting, such as starting a file sampling early in the morning before you arrive at work!

This script requires Spike2 v5.21 or higher.

Save and load variables with text files
RESTVAR.S2S (07/98)


This script illustrates the use of external text files in Spike2 to save and restore the values of script variables. When the script is terminated, a text file is created holding the value of the script variables. When you run the script again (possibly switching off your machine in-between), the variable values are loaded back into the script so it is as if you had not left.

Nested toolbars
NESTTOOL.S2S (01/17)


This is an example of a script using nested toolbars. It is designed for people who are already writing scripts and wish to be able to call one toolbar from another. It is a skeletal script with very little functionality, but serves as a good demonstration of the techniques involved.

This script has a main toolbar which can call another toolbar which, in turn, can call another one. Then, as you leave each toolbar, the script returns to the one which called it.

Sequencer control example
AUTODAC.S2S (04/99)


An example of running a sequenceer from a Spike2 script, including the use of sequencer variables. It requires that the sequencer file autopump.pls is placed in the Spike2\sequence directory. To see the effect, you should set up a sampling configuration with two waveform channels and connect DAC outputs 0 and 1 to ADC inputs 0 and 1.

On-line sampling and analysis skeleton
ONSKEL.S2S (01/17)


This is an empty script that doesn't do anything much, but is a framework upon which you can build your own script for online analysis. It provides controls for the sampling via a toolbar plus a customisable idle function to carry out analysis.

Simple analysis of single files
SKEL2.S2S (01/17)


This is an empty script that doesn't do anything much, but is a framework upon which you can build your own script. It provides a loop that repeatedly opens a single data file for analysis until the user stops.

Manage a list of files for analysis
SKELETON.S2S (05/99)


This is an empty script that doesn't do anything much, but is a framework upon which you can build your own script. It provides handling of a list of open data files including opening more files, plus selection of a file for analysis.

Process a batch of files similarly
BatchProcess.s2s (11/09)


This is a skeleton script that can be easily modified to do the same thing to all smr files (or a subset of smr files) in a selected directory - for example setting up active cursors.

Some of these scripts have come from users rather than the CED team. If you have a script that you would like to offer to fellow users via this page, please tell Simon Gray. We provide some scripts for Signal too.

These scripts are stored as WinZip files, myscript.zip, except where they are shown as spike\scripts\myscript.s2s. Those latter files were installed with Spike2 and spike stands for the directory in which you installed Spike2. See the summaries by clicking on the description in the side menu. Then you can down-load them by clicking on the filename.

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