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Recent technical history of DelsysTalk

This interfaces to the Delsys Trigno telemetry system, which wirelessly collects EMG signals plus acceleration or position data.

Date Version Summary
02/2024 2.07
  1. A memory corruption issue has been fixed. This was manifesting as a failure to sample with old style sensors.
  2. The talker no longer repeatedly connects and disconnects from the host if the hardware is not found. This was causing issues in Signal with dialogs resetting themselves.
12/2023 2.06
  1. This has been adjusted so that it uses significantly less processor time during sampling.
  2. The host connection mechanism has been adjusted to allow it to connect to the host without having a hardware connection.
08/2023 2.05
    This version of the talker has much improved timing of both talker data and the timing drift information sent to the host application.
06/2023 2.04
    This version of the talker has been updated with a number of robustness improvements. The connection settings dialog has been improved and matches the options in other talkers.
12/2022 2.03
    The talker now recognises the TalkerPath packet, introduced in Spike2 10.16 and Signal 8.00. It has also been adjusted to give different timing parameters to the host so that timing drift compensation works better. As Signal now also supports talkers, the text "Spike2" has been converted to "host" where appropriate. Note that the command line parameter character used to select the location of the Trigno server machine has been changed to 'T' to match general talker usage.
01/2022 2.02a
  1. Fixed a bug that could cause all Delsystalk channels to be disabled after the sampling configuration had already been confirmed and sampling was starting.
  2. Fixed a bug that could cause small gaps to appear in the data if running in triggered mode.
01/2022 2.02
  1. Fixed a bug which meant the help file was inaccessible.
  2. Contains a handful of accumulated updates for obscure bugs and corner cases.
  3. Updated the help to reflect the fact that Signal version 8 can sample with channels available from DelsysTalk.
09/2021 2.01
  1. Some sensors reported the wrong name when connected.
  2. Data buffering now uses some features from version 5 of the talker specification.
  3. If the connection to the Trigno Control Utility fails, the talker Window no longer freezes for a few seconds.
  4. Accessing the configuration options no longer generates errors in the Spike2 log window.
  5. There is an option to output some maintenance info to a log file, enabled in the help menu.
12/2020 2.00a
    We fixed a bug relating to triggered starts and trigger timing.
11/2020 2.00
    This version of DelsysTalk has been significantly adjusted to handle the large number of new Avanti class sensors.

    There are a number of differences from previous versions:

  1. In non-triggered mode, the Talker will still display a message to let you know if the Talker is ready to sample or not. This message was previously only seen in triggered mode, but now it is always used to arm the Trigno, regardless of whether triggered mode is on or off.
  2. There is now no option to add an orientation filter, which was only valid for non-Avanti IMU sensors. If this is a problem, please contact CED.
  3. Currently, DelsysTalk cannot retrieve the maximum range of auxiliary channels (e.g. accelerometer channels) which are set in the TCU, so we assume the largest available in all cases. This should not be a problem, especially as the resolution of these channels is now 16 bits (previously 8), but if it is, please contact CED.

  4. If you are upgrading from an older version of the Talker, it is recommended that you first ‘forget’ the Talker in the Sample menu, under Sample - Talker - Delsys - Forget. It is also recommended that you reset the sample configuration within Spike2. Either way, please check the channel properties after the installation to make sure that they are as expected. If they are not, you will need to remove and create them again. The Delsys config options, also accessible via the sample config window, should be checked, as these have changed since the previous Talker version.
07/2019 1.21
    This version of DelsysTalk has a correction for an error when handling Trigno sensor types A, B, C, D and I. With all of these types of sensor the accelerometer Y values would not have been available; this has now been fixed.
02/2019 1.20
  1. This is the first version of DelsysTalk to require a license to be installed in Spike2 in order for it to be used.
  2. This version of DelsysTalk buffers incoming data to avoid problems with partial packets and generally make it more robust, supports the new Avanti sensor type produced by Delsys and has been tested with version 3.1.2 of the Trigno control utility.
  3. It includes the new drift compensation options dialog and remembers the last used window position so that it re-opens where you last placed it.
01/2019 1.10
  1. This version of DelsysTalk fixes a program error which caused sampling failures, usually only when using a single high numbered sensor.
  2. It has been changed to increase the robustness and reliability of the timing drift compensation system.
  3. It handles high resolution monitors better, and has a standard status bar that displays useful information.
  4. It has a connection settings dialog which can be used instead of command-line parameters to set the Spike2 and Trigno server machine names, and has been tested with version 2.6.11 of the Trigno control utility.
    This version of DelsysTalk incorporates improved behaviour when re-connecting to Spike2 and generates more accurate timing drift information.
    This is the initial release of DelsysTalk.
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