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Spike2 scripts


Add two waveforms
ADD_WAVE.S2S (08/98)


Adds two waveform channels together between stated times. The script is a little complicated for what it does; it has a lot of error checking.

Users of Spike2 versions 5 and above can use the built-in Virtual Channels to perform channel arithmetic.

Copy and paste waveforms and events
LOTSX.S2S (11/97)


This script enables the user to copy sections of waveform, and corresponding event data from several different files and to paste them into a newly created data file. Each section copied will be appended to previously copied data, and optional gaps can be left. This file can then be saved as a normal Spike2 data file.

This script is now superseded by the Merge Files script for Spike2 versions 5 and above.

Extract a waveform section
CHUNKREM.S2S (01/17)


Chops off sections of data before and after a chunk that you want to isolate. It works only on waveform channels. Beware! This script makes large, irreversible changes to your data-file.

This script is now superseded by the Merge Files script for Spike2 versions 5 and above.

Shrink a script
SHRINK.S2S (01/17)


Takes a script and shrinks its size, while preserving the functionality.

XY display of multiple files
XYVIEW.S2S (01/17)


This script allows the user to open a sequence of data files and copy regions of data into an XY-view, superimposing one upon another. The script operates in two modes: firstly, when copying from Waveform channels, the region to be written is delimited by cursors positioned by the user and optionally snapped to a relevant marker with an associated pre-trigger time. If the channel being copied is of Wavemark type the program acts by superimposing all spikes in the interval between the cursors. In both modes a sequence of data files can be opened for copying and different channels can be used within each data file.

The down-load contains further documentation in Word format.

Some of these scripts have come from users rather than the CED team. If you have a script that you would like to offer to fellow users via this page, please tell Simon Gray. We provide some scripts for Signal too.

These scripts are stored as WinZip files, myscript.zip, except where they are shown as spike\scripts\myscript.s2s. Those latter files were installed with Spike2 and spike stands for the directory in which you installed Spike2. See the summaries by clicking on the description in the side menu. Then you can down-load them by clicking on the filename.

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