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Spike2 scripts


ZAP function: Sine wave output with increasing frequency
ZAPexample.s2s (01/17)


This script and associated sequence can be used to generate a sine wave with a linear or quadratic increasing frequency from DAC 0 of a 1401 interface. To view the output, connect DAC 0 to ADC 0, load the included sampling configuration, ZAPexample.S2C, and select the text sequence file, ZAPexample.pls, from the Sequencer tab.

The script opens a new data file ready to sample based on the current sampling configuration. Sine wave settings are controlled from a script toolbar button and can be updated during sampling.

This script requires Spike2 v7.00 or higher and a Micro1401 or Power1401 interface.

Linear ramp of pulse frequency
LinRampFreq.s2s (01/17)


This script and associated sequence creates ramps of increasing or decreasing pulse frequency on-line and allows the user to enter settings for ramp time as well as start, turning point and end frequencies for the pulse output.

Before running the script you must ensure that the LinRampFreq.pls output sequence is selected in the Sequencer tab of your sampling configuration. The script sets up a new data file for recording based on the current sampling configuration.

For testing purposes, set channel 1 in your sampling configuration to be an Event channel in which pulses can be recorded to help visualise the results. The pulses are set to be 10us long and are output from digital output 0 of the 1401.

This script requires Spike2 v5.17 or higher and a Micro1401 or Power1401 interface.

Output pre-recorded spike times as a stimulus
PlaySpikeTimes.s2s (05/10)


This script and associated sequence is an example of using the sequencer table to output a series of pre-recorded events during sampling. Select the PlaySpikeTimes.pls sequence file in the Sequencer tab of your sampling configuration before running the script.

When run, the script prompts the user to open a data file containing the spikes or events to use and select a time range of events to write to the sequencer table. During sampling, key 'a' will play the copied data out of digital output 0.

This script requires Spike2 v5.17 or higher and a Micro1401 or Power1401 interface.

Automatically adjust video rate in relation to spike activity
VideoRate.s2s (08/10)


This script can be used to monitor an event or WaveMark channel and switch between slow frame rate and the normal frame rate depending on the level of activity in the nominated channel. You can specify the minimum interval between events that signals the start of a period of low activity.

This script requires Spike2 v5.17 or higher.

Apply IIR filters to a waveform channel on-line
OnlineFilter.s2s (06/16)


This script is an example of applying IIR filters to a nominated waveform channel during sampling. It opens a new data file based on the current sampling configuration and then generates a dialog from which the user can specify the type of filter to apply and the source waveform channel to use.

Once sampling is started the script uses an idle routine to apply the filter to the source data and produces a new memory channel displaying the result.

This script requires Spike2 v6.01 or higher.

Apply an IIR filter to multiple waveform channels on-line
OnlineFilter 04.s2s (06/16)


This script allows you to apply a digital IIR filter to one or more waveform channels on-line. As delivered, the script can apply your chosen filter to up to four waveform channels sampled at the same rate. A minor edit to the script will allow you to increase the number of channels that can be processed.

A wide range of filter types are possible including notch, resonator, low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop. The filter characteristic can be chosen from: Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev type 1 and Chebyshev type 2.

There is a user guide in the comments at the start of the script file.

This script requires Spike2 v8.03 or higher

3 channel pulse generator for intracellular stimulation
PulseGen 01.s2s (09/19)


This script/sequencer combination is intended for use with a multi-channel current-clamp microelectrode amplifier. It allows you to stimulate up to three simultaneously recorded neurons in order to test for synaptic connectivity. Stimulus durations and intensities are controlled via a dialog that allows for quick adjustments to be made. It also allows you to switch quickly between a scrolled display and overdrawn, triggered sweeps.

We also include an example sampling configuration so you can easily test the system.

There is a user guide at the start of the script file that you can print out for reference.

Software requirements: Spike2 version 8.17 or higher

Hardware requirements: Power 1401

Pulse from threshold crossing
THRESPUL.S2S (07/15)


This on-line script is written for use with Spike2 version 3 and later.

It detects the time of threshold crossings on a waveform channel and marks these times in the file or outputs a TTL pulse upon detection. The threshold is set with a horizontal cursor which can be moved at any time during the recording.

Before running the script, you need to ensure a suitable sampling configuration is set. This must contain at least one waveform channel. If you select to output a TTL pulse upon threshold detection, you may choose to set up an event or level channel for testing purposes.

To run the script, go to the script menu and select Run script. If the script is already loaded, it will appear in the menu; otherwise select Load and run which will generate a file selection dialog from which you should find and load the threspul.s2s script.

When the script is run, a dialog will appear, from which you set the various required settings:

Input channel -
Waveform channel on which to base threshold crossing timing
Threshold -
Direction of threshold crossing. Positive (rising) or negative (falling)
Action -
TTL pulse and/or memory channel marker

When OK is pressed in this dialog the script will open a new data file, ready to sample, with a horizontal cursor positioned on the selected waveform channel. This should be positioned at a reasonable starting level for the threshold, and the OK button pressed to continue.

When ready to sample, a toolbar is displayed from which the data sampling is controlled.

Quit -
Quit the script and close down the toolbar
Sample start -
Commence data sampling
Sample stop -
Stop sampling. This button is disabled until sampling begins
New file -
Close current file and open a new file ready to sample

TTL output
The default TTL output gives a pulse of duration 1ms from digital output 0 (bit 8) of the 1401 interface. The overall speed of the sequence and the pulse duration and selection of output bit can be edited in the pulse.pls file if required.

If TTL output is selected, the script writes a Spike2 output sequence file which is stored with a default name (pulse.pls) in the sequence sub-directory of the main Spike2 directory where the application is stored (e.g. C:\Spike4\Sequence\pulse.pls).

Memory channel marker
If Memory channel marker is selected, a new temporary channel is created and displayed in the data file. Each time the threshold is crossed, markers are imported into this channel at a position as close as possible to the actual threshold crossing.

This channel is temporary and must be written to a permanent channel if it is to be saved with the recorded data file. To do this go to the Analysis menu and select Memory buffer then Write to channel. From the dialog you can select an empty channel into which this data will be written.

Track that recording levels always remain within recommended limits
LVLmeter.s2s (07/05)


In some types of experiment it may be necessary to adjust the gain and offset of external preamplifiers repeatedly during the course of a recording. It is important to keep track of these changes and to ensure that the recording levels always remain within recommended limits. The level meter script can help you fulfil these requirements. It generates a duplicate view of your incoming data with each channel displayed relative to the full input range of the 1401. It gives you audible and visual warnings if any of the traces approach the limits of the working range. The script also allows you to keep a record of gain, offset and other changes by annotating the data file with TextMarks.

This script requires Spike2 version 5 or higher.

Generate clicks tone bursts and noise for online playback
WaveMake 02.s2s (11/07)


This script enables you to create tone bursts, noise burst or clicks and store them in a sampling configuration. These waveforms are then available to be played via a 1401 DAC output as an auditory stimulus during subsequent recording sessions.

Click stimuli can be positive or negative going. The rising and falling phases of tone bursts can be of fixed duration or an exact number of cycles of the underlying waveform (tone pips). The script can also create sequences of identical tone bursts separated by fixed intervals. Thus you could create, for example, a synthesised cricket chirp with 4 equally spaced syllables.

You can store up to 10 auditory stimuli in a sample configuration. You can play them in ‘single-shot’ mode by pressing a button on the PlayWave toolbar during a recording session. Use the WavePlay script to play selected waveforms repetitively. Full user instructions are included in the comments section of the script file.

Software requirements: Spike2 version 5.14 or higher.

Hardware: not compatible with Standard 1401 interface.

Simple auditory stimulation and recording script
Waveplay v1.03.s2s (06/06)


This script enables you to play arbitrary waveforms (play-waves) repetitively via one or more DAC outputs while recording. A typical application might be to play repeating tone bursts, or clicks created with the WaveMake script while recording auditory responses. However, there are many other possibilities.

This script allows you to select a set of waveforms to play during the next recording session and set timing parameters such as repetition rate and number of repeats. Stimuli and responses can be then be displayed as triggered sweeps or in ‘chart recorder’ mode. The script also has the option to play two different stimuli alternately. A typical application would be alternate presentation of condensation and rarefaction clicks. A full user guide is included in the comments section of the script.

You can store up to 10 auditory stimuli in a sample configuration. You can play them in ‘single-shot’ mode by pressing a button on the PlayWave toolbar during a recording session. Use the WavePlay script to play selected waveforms repetitively. Full user instructions are included in the comments section of the script file.

Software requirements: Spike2 version 5.14 or higher. The script works in conjunction with a text sequencer: PlayWaveform02.pls. This file must be stored in the folder named sequence inside the main Spike2 directory.

Hardware: not compatible with Standard 1401 interface.

Force feedback
FF 08.s2s (08/24) New!


This online force feedback script is intended for studies in the field of sport science, rehabilitation and physical therapy. It monitors the force generated by a subject performing an exercise while they view a display of the ongoing force vs. time plot. The script then presents user-defined target force profiles that the subject attempts to match by varying their effort.

Features include;

  • triangular, ramp and hold, double ramp and hold and sinusoidal profiles.
  • profiles scaled as a percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)
  • graphical interface to tailor the design of target profiles
  • save multiple target profiles and load them when needed
  • dual screen operation, i.e., one for the subject and one for the investigator showing different information
  • options to display target profile and / or range limits (e.g. +- 10% of target level)
  • Display force as a continuous trace or a "snail trail" of user-defined duration.
  • Repeat presentation of target profiles at fixed or randomised time intervals
  • Optional progressive increase or decrease in target force of successive stimuli
  • Optional audio or text alerts when the next target of a series is about to appear or when rest periods begin.
  • Customise-able trace colours and pen widths
  • Option to add text notes to the data file during recording
  • automatic saving of results
  • Plot and tabulate "Performance", that is, the subjects success in matching force to the target level.

The download includes a suitable sampling configuration and a detailed user guide.

The script requires Spike2 v10.21 or higher

Generate clicks tone bursts and noise for online playback
WaveMake 02.s2s (11/07)


This script enables you to create tone bursts, noise burst or clicks and store them in a sampling configuration. These waveforms are then available to be played via a 1401 DAC output as an auditory stimulus during subsequent recording sessions.

Click stimuli can be positive or negative going. The rising and falling phases of tone bursts can be of fixed duration or an exact number of cycles of the underlying waveform (tone pips). The script can also create sequences of identical tone bursts separated by fixed intervals. Thus you could create, for example, a synthesised cricket chirp with 4 equally spaced syllables.

You can store up to 10 auditory stimuli in a sample configuration. You can play them in ‘single-shot’ mode by pressing a button on the PlayWave toolbar during a recording session. Use the WavePlay script to play selected waveforms repetitively. Full user instructions are included in the comments section of the script file.

Software requirements: Spike2 version 5.14 or higher.

Hardware: not compatible with Standard 1401 interface.

Some of these scripts have come from users rather than the CED team. If you have a script that you would like to offer to fellow users via this page, please tell Simon Gray. We provide some scripts for Signal too.

These scripts are stored as WinZip files, myscript.zip, except where they are shown as spike\scripts\myscript.s2s. Those latter files were installed with Spike2 and spike stands for the directory in which you installed Spike2. See the summaries by clicking on the description in the side menu. Then you can down-load them by clicking on the filename.

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