This script plays a tone 'pip' from DAC 0 of the 1401 when the R-wave of an ECG complex is detected during sampling.
Sampling is controlled via the script toolbar and the user is asked to set the ECG channel to monitor and a hysteresis value for the R-wave peak detection. A horizontal cursor is then used to set a threshold for the detection of the R-wave. Each time the threshold is crossed the script monitors the level of the incoming data and, when a peak is found, waits for the data to fall by at least the level set by the hysteresis value before playing the tone to flag the R-wave detection.
This script requires Spike2 v6.00 or higher.
This script is an example of displaying an on-line channel value in a separate window for use in a force feedback experiment. The script contains an idle routine that updates the bar display in response to incoming waveform data in channel 1.
This script requires Spike2 v4.24 or higher.
This extracts certain parameters from Cardiac Action Potential (CAP) data.
The user is first required select a suitable file for analysis, and to specify the CAP channel. They should then place a horizontal cursor on the data such that it crosses all the upstrokes of the data file.
This enables the script to place marks in a temporary event channel every time a CAP is located. The script then attempts to extract certain characteristics from the CAP; these values are written to the screen. The extracted characteristics include:
- CAP start time
- CAP end time
- Baseline value
- Peak value
- Peak time
- Upstroke gradient
- Repolarisation gradient
- 30, 50, 60, 90 % re-polarisation times.
The user may click the mouse on the text window and this will place a cursor on the data at the value indicated by the clicked position (easier done than said). All desired results are dumped to a text file.
This script is designed to show respiratory sinus arrhythmia in EMG data.
A data-file is loaded which contains one channel of EMG activity and another of pressure waves. A threshold level is set on the pressure channel to mark the start and end points of each pressure wave. For each pressure wave interval the instantaneous heart rate is sampled at a given frequency and the instantaneous frequencies are logged to a text file.
This script allows the user to plot eye movements in two dimensions and show positions of fixations and saccadic motions graphically.
Each experiment consists of a number of trials in which a subject is presented with a visual stimulus and the motion of the eye is tracked by suitable apparatus. This apparatus should output two voltages proportional to angular deflections in the X- and Y-directions respectively and these signals are the inputs to the CED 1401 connected to the PC running the script. When a trial is initiated the script displays an XY-plot of the motion of the subject's eye in real-time. Points of fixation are marked as the trace develops and saccadic motions are drawn at the end of the trial. A record of data concerning these features is kept in a log file.
A very simple sequencer file, eyemove.pls, is included which sends a digital output signal to the visual stimulus apparatus to trigger a trial of the required type.
A facility for scanning results and dumping data off-line is provided.
This script requires Spike2 v3.00 or higher along with a Power1401, a Micro1401 or a 1401plus; it cannot run with a standard 1401.
This offline script displays eye movements relative to a target that is being tracked by replaying the data file and plotting the angular coordinates of each eye in an X-Y view.
The raw data is a time view of horizontal and vertical components of eye and (optionally) target movements, as recorded by a pupil-tracking camera system. This script then allows you to replay the data with a simultaneous display of the X-Y track followed by the eyes and the target. You can select the speed of the replay in the range 0.1x to 10x actual speed and select the duration of the tracks to display. Typically, you would choose to display the most recently replayed data, for example the last 0.5 seconds.
The .zip file contains an example data file that you can use to try out the script.
A full user guide is included in the comments section of the script file.
The script requires Spike2 version 6.09 or higher.