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New: Spike 11
The Sampling configuration has a list of pre-set TextMark data items that can be applied during sampling.
Improvements to interactive use of TextMark data during sampling.
TextMark data captured from serial line inputs can trigger the output sequencer and arbitrary waveform output.
Overdraw list dialog supports addition of arbitrary trigger times.
3D Overdraw adjustment by dragging.
Info windows can now display recent TextMark text or Marker channel codes.
Active Horizontal cursors have two new modes: Median and Median + factor * size.
Graphical sequencer improvements including a visual indication that a Wait command interrupts the time base and a time out when waiting for a digital input change.
New: gTecTalk
gTecTalk is a talker that lets you sample with the HiAmp, USBAmp or Nautilus g.Tec devices via a gNEEDaccess server process, which can be accessed from a remote PC if required.
New: StelTalk
StelTalk is a talker that supports the Stellar Telemetry Memory implant systems. It can sample up to 4 USB-connected implants, each of which report a range of data channels.
Latest software
There are recent Uploads of Spike 11.01, Signal 8.03, Spike2 10.22, 9.21a and 8.27