这个脚本是将多个结果文件导出为位图或图元文件格式的例子。用户选择一个包含结果文件的目录,脚本会将这些文件逐一导出。你可以设置第一个导出的结果文件的窗口大小, 之后所有文件的图像大小均以此为准。图像文件保存在同样的目录下,文件名与结果文件一致。
这个脚本要求Spike2 v5.21或更高版本。
EDF+ is an open source format, widely used for recording and sharing physiological data, especially EEG, EMG and sleep data. This script is an attempt to export Spike2 time view data to this format, so that you can share data with colleagues who are not Spike2 users.
Not all Spike2 data types are easily translate-able. However, the script can export waveforms, RealWaves and Level channels with no compromises.
The times of events in Event, Marker, WaveMark and TextMark channels are exported as tick marks in waveform channels. Marker codes and Textmark text are saved to EDF+ "annotation" channels but this is limited to one annotation per epoch of exported data.
RealMark channels (often used to store Hypnograms) are converted to waveforms with a sample rate of 10Hz for export.
Full details of what can and cannot be exported are in the user guide linked to the script.
这个脚本要求Spike2 v9.02或更高版本。
EDF+ is an open source format, widely used for recording and sharing physiological data, especially EEG, EMG and sleep data. This script is an attempt to export Spike2 time view data to this format, so that you can share data with colleagues who are not Spike2 users.
Not all Spike2 data types are easily translate-able. However, the script can export waveforms, RealWaves and Level channels with no compromises.
The times of events in Event, Marker, WaveMark and TextMark channels are exported as tick marks in waveform channels. Marker codes and Textmark text are saved to EDF+ "annotation" channels but this is limited to one annotation per epoch of exported data.
RealMark channels (often used to store Hypnograms) are converted to waveforms with a sample rate of 10Hz for export.
Full details of what can and cannot be exported are in the user guide linked to the script.
这个脚本要求Spike2 v9.02或更高版本。
该脚本将一个事件或标记通道转储为 Spike2 数据文件中的文本。该脚本会将数据转储为平均频率、瞬时频率、速率、事件时间或事件间隔(以 ms 为单位)。
该脚本需要使用 Spike2 v6.18 或更高版本。
上面部分程序不是CED的成果,而是用户自己编写的。 如果您也写有程序,希望通过这个网页与大家分享,请告诉Simon Gray。 我们还提供了一些Signal 专用程序。
这些脚本储存为WinZip文件、myscript.zip, 显示为spike\scripts\myscript.s2s的地方除外。 这些文件与Spike2一起安装。spike代表你安装Spike2的目录。点击下面的描述行可以查看概要。然后你可以通过点击文件名开始下载;请检查收到的文件大小。
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