这个脚本要求Spike2 v5.21或更高版本。
这个脚本要求Spike2 v5.21或更高版本。
This script aims to facilitate inspecting data files page by page when searching for features of interest. It steps to the next (or previous) page of data automatically after a user-defined time unless you hit a 'Pause' button in order to inspect the current page in more detail. Once paused, you can annotate the data by adding TextMarks or marking 'states', i.e., time ranges marked with a coloured bar.
The script is controllable via keyboard shortcuts so that you can focus on the data without the need for mouse-clicking and dragging etc.
You can display a user guide by clicking on a button in the scripts Setup dialog.
This script allows you to select columns or rows of data in a grid view (a simple Spike 2 spreadsheet) and plot the data to an XY view or a bar chart. Some Spike2 scripts generate tables of results in a grid view and so can be analysed directly using this script. Alternatively, you can copy/paste source data into a grid from the log window or from a spreadsheet in order to generate plots.
You can add data to a new or an existing XY view and to new or pre-existing channels. You can adjust the appearance of the display, e.g. trace colour, symbols, line type etc. by right-clicking on the view.
You can display a user guide by clicking the Help button on the script toolbar.
这个脚本允许你通过一个带有各种复选框的对话框、而不是Spike2嵌入的列表显示或隐藏前置视图中的信道。生成的对话框在处理来自多电极阵列的记录时特别方便,因为复选框可以匹配电极阵列的布局。 使用这个脚本,你可以轻松显示或隐藏一排排或一批批的信道。你还可以定义一个掩码,这样只有指定类型的信道,例如Event和WaveMark,可以显示或隐藏。
上面部分程序不是CED的成果,而是用户自己编写的。 如果您也写有程序,希望通过这个网页与大家分享,请告诉Simon Gray。 我们还提供了一些Signal 专用程序。
这些脚本储存为WinZip文件、myscript.zip, 显示为spike\scripts\myscript.s2s的地方除外。 这些文件与Spike2一起安装。spike代表你安装Spike2的目录。点击下面的描述行可以查看概要。然后你可以通过点击文件名开始下载;请检查收到的文件大小。
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