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Virtual channels

Virtual channels hold waveforms calculated from existing channels, as defined by user-supplied expressions. Calculations can be simple sums, products, differences or ratios of channels, or use mathematical functions. Like channel processes, they are applied dynamically both on-line and off-line.

  • Define data using arithmetic operations and values
  • Manually enter expressions or create using drop down menus
  • Display results of multi-channel waveform arithmetic
  • Cubic spline interpolation used if channels have different sample rates
  • Spectral functions show how particular features of the power spectrum of an input channel change over time
  • Spectral functions include power in frequency bands, spectral edge, mean frequency and dominant frequency

Virtual channel used to calculate the magnitude of
3 perpendicular forces

  • Generate waveform display of event frequencies using smoothing by Gaussians, sinusoids, triangles or rectangles, or interpolation of instantaneous frequency
  • Create evenly sampled data derived from unevenly sampled measurements
  • Apply arithmetic functions e.g square, square root, cube, absolute values, half-wave rectification and trig functions (sin, cos, tan, arc tan)
  • Waveform generation: sine, square, triangle, sawtooth, envelope

Click to play video

This video tutorial shows how to generate banded
power spectra using Virtual channels


Virtual channels have been extended to include spectral functions which can be used to show how a particular feature of the power spectrum of an input channel changes over time. This video tutorial shows how to generate banded power spectra using Virtual channels.

Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

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