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CED support policy summary

CED has dedicated software and hardware help desks which owners of CED equipment and software can always use free of charge. Contacting either of these will put you in communication with an engineer who will help to diagnose the problem and advise as to the next step to remedy it. Often it is possible to fix or circumvent problems remotely. When this is not the case our software may need to be modified or hardware returned to factory for repair.

CED Hardware

Major CED hardware carries a three year warranty which covers faulty materials and workmanship. After this period, systems returned to CED are repaired where economically possible at the cost of any required components and the engineer’s time. 1401 systems are usually subjected to at least 96 hours of automatic continuous testing to ensure that no problems persist.

After discussing the symptoms with you, systems may be fixed in the laboratory through firmware updates or replacement components. If hardware is requested to be returned to factory, it is the sender’s responsibility to pay for the return shipping cost. If under warranty, CED will pay to repair and return the device. If out of warranty, the sender is invoiced for shipping and repair costs.

CED Software

Our main software effort is in the development of the latest version available. New features will appear in this version. Our policy is to fix bugs and maintain functionality in the latest and immediately previous version of both Spike2 and Signal and to continue operation with currently supported operating systems.

Older CED software versions are maintained to the extent that they will continue to install on supported operating systems, but there is no guarantee that bugs found in the operation of the software will be fixed. We may adjust earlier versions of Spike2 and Signal to maintain forward compatibility to ease migration to the most recent version.

The CED website has a comprehensive list of software and hardware release dates and the supported operating systems.

Cambridge Electronic Design Limited

Registered in England: 00972132

Registered office:

  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ

VAT: GB 214 2617 96

Producer registration number: WEE/BD0050TZ

Terms and Conditions of Sale

For our US customers, we can provide tax form W-8BEN, that identifies us as a UK company.

DUNS: 219151016
NAICS: 423490
Commodity codes
Hardware: 84716070
Software: 85235190

By email:


By post:
  • Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
  • Technical Centre,
  • 139 Cambridge Road,
  • Milton,
  • Cambridge CB24 6AZ
By telephone:

(Int.+44) (0)1223 420186

From North America (Toll Free):

1 800 345 7794
