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  • Waveform analyses including averaging, power spectra and waveform correlations
  • Event analyses including INTH, PSTH, auto and cross correlations and phase histograms
  • Automatically find data features including triggers and features in evoked, spontaneous activity and cyclical data with 'active' cursors - see a video demonstration
  • Generate XY plots and data file channels holding measurements based on 'active' cursor feature detection, and output tables of measurement values
  • Take absolute and relative measurements such as time points, data values, curve area, slope, max/minimuma, mean, modulus and peak to peak
  • Quickly take time and amplitude measurements using the mouse pointer
  • Derive 'virtual channels' from existing waveform and event channels defined by user-supplied expressions (channel arithmetic). Options include mathematical functions, spectral analysis and comparison operators

Click to play video

This video tutorial shows how to find data features
and take measurements with active cursors

  • Generate functions in 'virtual channels', including sine, square, triangle waves, envelopes and polynomials
  • Process waveforms dynamically on- and off-line. Processes include rectify, smooth, DC remove, downsample, median filter and RMS amplitude
  • Create editable temporary channels containing copied or derived data
  • Digitally filter waveforms (FIR and IIR) with interactive filter design
  • Interactively fit data with functions including exponential, Gaussian, polynomial, sinusoid and sigmoid
  • Automate repetitive, multi-step and custom analyses using the script language
  • Script advanced processes, for example hum removal from any number of waveform channels using the CED 4001-16 Mains Pulser
Click to play video

This video tutorial shows how to use scripted
mains hum removal, from top to bottom:
rejected hum, recovered signal, original data


Spike2 can perform on-line and off-line detection of waveform features and mark these in a new channel in the data file using the built-in active cursor and measurement functions. This video tutorial shows how to generate heart rate from a blood pressure trace.


Mains ‘hum’ is often complex and composed of odd harmonics of the mains frequency, making it very difficult to remove or suppress using simple high pass or notch filters. HumRemoveExpress.s2s is a Spike2 version 7 script that you can use offline to strip out much of this residual mains interference, making your data much more presentable and easier to analyse. This video tutorial shows how to use the script to remove mains hum.

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