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Signal scripts


Peak to peak measurements
PktoPk.sgs (02/15)


This script measures peak to peak amplitudes from multiple channels and separates the values into states in an XY view.

This script requires Signal v5 or higher.

Intracellular spike analysis
IntraSpikeAnalysis.sgs (01/19)


This script will automatically run through a data file finding and taking measurements from each spike. The user sets a level threshold using a horizontal cursor and the script then finds each spike that crosses this level and takes the following measurements:

  • Time
  • Spike amplitude
  • Rise time from 10% to 90% of spike amplitude
  • Half width
  • AHP (After Hyper Polarisation) peak amplitude
  • Time from spike peak to trough of AHP

You can check individual spikes for correct feature detection and run through all spikes to take the measurements using the associated toolbar buttons. A text file is then created holding the measurement results for each spike. A suitable example data file, Actions.cfs, is included in the Data folder of your Signal directory.

This script requires Signal v4.08 or higher.

Phase-plane plot
Phase-plane plot.sgs (05/10)


This script generates a phase-plane plot, based on the time derivative of the membrane voltage versus the membrane voltage, in an XY view. The script measures all spikes in a user-defined time range. The plot updates dynamically so the user can click and drag cursor positions to update the display at any time. A suitable example data file, Actions.cfs, is included in the Data folder of your Signal directory.

This script requires Signal v3.10 or higher.

Setup cursors for LTP measurements
CursorSetup.sgs (05/10)


This script is an example of setting up active cursors to find the maximum response and 10% and 90% slope positions of the response. These values are then plotted to XY views.

The script prompts the user to select the response channel to measure and position cursors to mark the pre-stimulus baseline and the response time range before setting up the active cursors. This script could easily be modified to include further measurements if required. A suitable example data file, LTP example.cfs, is included in the Data folder of your Signal directory.

This script requires Signal v3.10 or higher.

Automated measurements from multiple frame states
MeasureFromStates.sgs (08/18)


This script is an example that takes a selected measurement such as evoked response amplitudes from a selected channel in a file with multiple frame states and plots the measurements from each state to a separate channel in an XY view. A suitable example data file, MEP example.cfs, is included in the .zip file.

This script requires Signal v4.11 or higher.

Import TMS data recorded using BrainSight™ software
BS Import.sgs (04/23)


This script imports TMS data recorded using BrainSight™ software and saved as a text file. An example of the expected file format (BSImp format.txt) is included in the .zip file. The script operates on the currently open text file (if any) or allows you to browse to a suitable text file on disk. The script creates a Signal data file showing the emg waveform. Additional information in the text file on MEP amplitude and coil coordinates are saved as frame variables.

A concise user guide is included in the header section of the script file.

The script requires Signal v.6.06 or higher.

Subtract exponential fit values from data
SubExpFit.sgs (05/10)


This script creates a duplicate view of the data file, fits an exponential curve between user defined cursor positions and then subtracts the fit values from the raw data.

This script requires Signal v3.10 or higher.

Batch file auto-averaging
BatchAutoAverage.sgs (05/10)


This script processes auto-averages from every data file in a nominated directory. It creates a new memory view that amalgamates all of the frames from the auto-averages of each data file. Each frame in the new memory view has an associated frame comment holding the name of the source data file and which source frames were used to form the average.

The script expects that all of the data files in the nominated folder contain the same number of channels and are sampled at the same rate.

This script requires Signal v2.16 or higher.

Subtract a series of frames
SubFrameSeries.sgs (05/10)


This script allows the user to subtract one series of frames from another in a data file. The script expects a standard voltage clamp setup, i.e. one channel holding the stimulus and another holding the response data and then lets the user enter a series of destination frames (to subtract data from) and a series of source frames (the data to subtract). You can enter lists of frames in the normal format, for example "1,2,5" or "1..15".

This script requires Signal v2.16 or higher.

Grand Average
SigGrandAverage.sgs (11/10)


This script can be used to 'build' an average of multiple waveform average memory views. Select files to add to the Grand Average by opening a saved file or creating a new memory view and making it the current or 'top' window. Then simply click the ADD button in the script toolbar.

This script requires Signal v2.16 or higher.

Capture synaptic events
eventcap6.sgs (10/13)


This script is designed to detect and analyse spontaneous (or miniature) synaptic events. Firstly, the script run through and detects events either via an amplitude, rate of rise or template thresholding technique. Then the user accepts or deletes the detected events. Once this is done, the user can output the amplitudes or inter-event intervals of the events and averaged events. The script also can be prompted to conduct Kolmogorov Smirnov tests on the results (or any other tables of data for that matter).

Contributed by Bill Connelly - see the User Forum Members list.

Analyse emg response to TMS
SP find.sgs (03/23)

SP find.zip

This script performs offline analysis of emg responses to Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (TMS).

The script can perform the following tasks:

  • Create a rectified version of the emg data
  • mark post-stimulus silent periods according to user-defined criteria
  • Measure pk-pk MEP amplitudes
  • Generate a spreadsheet of results

This results table includes: Frame nr., Frame state, MEP pk-pk, start time, end time and duration of silent periods.

For data sampled with Signal software you can also tabulate information such as the TMS power levels for each frame.

For data imported from BrainSight (TM) using the script BS Import.sgs, you can also tabulate data stored in the original text file such as the coil coordinates.

You can display a detailed user guide by clicking on a script toolbar button.

This script requires Signal v6.06 or higher.

Some of these scripts have come from users rather than the CED team. If you have a script that you would like to offer to fellow users via this page, please tell Simon Parker. We provide some scripts for Spike2 too.

These scripts are stored as WinZip files, myscript.zip, except where they are shown as signal\scripts\myscript.sgs. Those latter files were installed with Signal and signal stands for the directory in which you installed Signal. See the summaries by clicking on the description in the side menu. Then you can down-load them by clicking on the filename.

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