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Signal scripts


Artefact removal
artRem.sgs (02/12)


The script removes artefacts.

  • Removes artefacts from a specified waveform channel either using a time range relative to cursor 1 or between cursors 1 and 2
  • The specified artefactual data is replaced with a straight line joining the ends of the unmodified data and written directly back to disk
  • Move through data file frames interactively, or automatically move on after deleting an artefact (for convenience if only one artefact per frame)

This script requires Signal version 4 or later.

Re-sample a data file
ReSample.sgs (05/10)


This script can be used to interpolate a data file to increase or decrease the number of data points and hence the sample rate using cubic splining. The script creates a new copy of the file with the selected re-sample factor.

This script requires Signal v3.10 or higher.

Tag a subset of frames
OddEvenTag.sgs (05/10)


This script is an example of applying a given function to a subset of frames. It allows the user to tag odd numbered frames, even numbered frames or all frames in a file. The script could easily be adapted to apply channel modifications or certain analysis functions in place of the tag frame function.

This script requires Signal v3.10 or higher.

Append frames from one file to another
AppendFiles.sgs & AppendTaggedFrames.sgs (02/15)


This script can be used to copy frames from one file to another. Only waveform data is copied and the script expects that there are the same number of waveform channels in the two files. AppendTaggedFrames is very similar and is intended as a demonstration of how to modify the script to copy only a subset of the available frames.

Make Averages from Multiple Files


This script shows you how to take an average from a file or files manually, without using SetAverage(), which only lets you average from one file.

It asks you for a data file to process, and allows you to choose which channels to average, which will be the same in all files you process. It creates a new data file with the appropriate number of channels, and allows you to take averages from the source file. You can then change to a different source file (using a button provided by the Toolbar() ), and add to your original average.

You can have multiple output averages within a single output source file (although the number of averages defaults to one), and these can be easily traversed through, as well as added or removed.

Cross averaging from multiple files


The script creates an average where frame 1 is the average of all the source file frame 1s, frame 2 the average of the source frame 2s and so on. All files averaged must, of course, have the same number of waveform channels, each with the same sample rate and length, and must have at least the same number of frames.

Difference two frames to a memory view


The script creates a memory view, holding a data that is the difference between two frames in the source view.

Find a search term
SigSearch.SGS (11/23) Neu!


This script allows you to search all of the Signal scripts or output sequences in a directory for a chosen text string. The script generates a list of all the files containing your search term in the log window. You can click on an item in this list to open the file and inspect it. This script is useful for finding examples of how to use of script commands that you may be unfamiliar with.

The script requires Signal 4.11 or higher.

Merge Files
MergeFiles.sgs & MergeFilesW.sgs (07/15)


Within this zip there are two scripts.

The script MergeFiles.sgs creates a new data file by copying frames from existing files. All types of data channel are handled as are the frame variables. All frames can be copied or only frames with a specific state value. You can open files and select the state number to use from the script toolbar. Files must have the same channel arrangements to be included in the new file, the script does its best to cope with minor variations in channel numbers but obviously will work better with files that are very similar.

The script MergeFiles requires Signal v6.03 or higher.

The other script, MergeFilesW.sgs is similar, but it is limited to waveform data channels and some frame variables only.

MergeFilesW requires Signal version 4.00 or higher.

Some of these scripts have come from users rather than the CED team. If you have a script that you would like to offer to fellow users via this page, please tell Simon Parker. We provide some scripts for Spike2 too.

These scripts are stored as WinZip files, myscript.zip, except where they are shown as signal\scripts\myscript.sgs. Those latter files were installed with Signal and signal stands for the directory in which you installed Signal. See the summaries by clicking on the description in the side menu. Then you can down-load them by clicking on the filename.

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